

Felipe Estela – Caturro + Bourbon Washed


Warehouse: Melbourne

Origin: Peru

Processing: Fully Washed

Packing type: 30KG VCM

Availability: 17 bags

Moisture: 10.2%

Flavors: Fruit, Nut/Chocolate

Sensory Descriptors: Almond, Apple, Bakers Chocolate, Biscuity, Black Tea

Body: Medium

Acidity: Medium

Cup Score: 85.25

Cupping date: 13-01-2025

Crop Year: 2024



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Coffee Information

The Flores family has been in coffee production since the 1970s, rooted in the Cajarmarca region. Finca El Morito was founded by the patriarch of the Flores family, Faustino Flores, starting in 2009 when the Flores family relocated to the San Ignacio province of Cajamarca. With a passion for innovation and a focus on quality, the Flores family have steadily improved in both quality and variety of production on their farm. As a close knit family and community, the second and third generations have progressed and expanded on Faustino’s work to bring the family estate and community to where it is today. Concentrating in the northern region of Cajamarca the Finca El Morito have expanded internally by creating a familial community of producers, with 70% of coffee produced direct from family estates, and the remaining producers are within the immediate communities of the Flores Chilcon family. Today, quality production from Finca El Morito comprises of coffees from the Cutervo and San Ignacio Provinces of Cajarmarca. As a result of his hard work, the legacy of Faustino Flores and Finca El Morito have been rewarded by placing multiple times in the Cup of Excellence auctions, as recent as 2022.


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