

PB Kagumo-ini Kamacharia


Warehouse: Melbourne

Origin: Kenya

Coffee type: Arabica

Processing: Fully Washed

Packing type: 30KG VCM

Availability: 5 bags

Moisture: 9.7%

Flavors: Fruit, Nut/Chocolate

Sensory Descriptors: Biscuity, Black Currant, Chocolate, Lime, orange juice, Roasted Hazelnut

Body: High

Acidity: High

Cup Score: 86.25

Cupping date: 08-07-2024

Crop Year: 2024



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Coffee Information

Kagumoini coffee factory belongs to the Kamacharia Farmers’ Cooperative Society in Kamacharia location, Murang’a County. It has 1,384 active members.Kagumoini Coffee Factory is dressed with red-volcanic soil that infuses it with all the mineral and organic goodness necessary for optimum production. It experiences an annual rainfall of 1,100 mm at 1,750 mm above sea level. In addition it enjoys cool temperatures of 16-26°C.The region has deep, fertile well drained red volcanic soils which are ideal for coffee production. After harvesting, coffee cherry is delivered to the factory, where it undergoes a fully washed or wet processing method. Water is pumped to reservoir tanks for pulping and recirculation. After pulping, the coffee is fermented overnight, before it cleaned, soaked and spread out on raised beds for drying.

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