Sourcing alternatives to Colombian coffee for blends
Among many coffee professionals, Colombian coffee has a reputation for its flavour and body. It has a strong presence in the international coffee sector, and has been popular around the world for decades. We’ve been bringing high-quality Colombian coffees to our roaster partners for years through our in-country partner, Condor Specialty – a specialty coffee exporter based in Bogotá. We also...
Meet the team: Émilie Coulombe
Meet the team: Émilie Coulombe Émilie Coulombe is another well-respected member of our team here...
Oliver Brown Interview
Meet the team: Oliver Brown Next up in our series of interviews with Condesa team members, we're...
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The Santuario Project
Camilo started Santuario some 22 years ago with the vision of improving quality and profitability while also leveraging biodiversity to create some truly amazing coffees. In 2012, Santuario went international. The farm in Colombia inspired the establishment of wet...
Ixhuatlan Centre and the Santuario Project
The two major projects that have been launched in Mexico under the Santuario Project were the Ixhuatlan Processing Centre in Veracruz, and a partnership with Guadalupe Zaju Farm in Chiapas. At Ixhuatlan Processing Centre, producers have access to wet and dry mills,...
Not just any shipping container
Green coffee is a raw agricultural product that is sensitive to light and moisture. Optimum levels of the latter should be around 11% to 14% once the beans are processed and dried. Beyond these, the coffee’s quality will start to diminish. A stable temperature should...
So, what can coffee roasters and green buyers do to keep business running smoothly?
Firstly, good planning and communication with your partners and teams is now more essential than ever before. Speak to your green coffee supplier to understand the market properly and appreciate why shipping is taking longer. Secondly, try to adjust your timelines and...
How does the weather in Brazil affect the global coffee market?
Brazil is the largest coffee-producing region in the world, accounting for about one-third of global coffee production. Expert estimates claim the country will produce around 56.3 million bags (3.4 billion kg) of coffee in the 2021/2022 crop year. As it is responsible...
Why is it important to use a high-quality sample roaster?
A sample roaster is a small roaster, usually with a capacity of less than 300g, that is used to test roast samples of green coffee beans. These are then evaluated for quality, taste and aroma. These small samples are often sent to roasters by a trader or producer, and...