Sourcing alternatives to Colombian coffee for blends

Sourcing alternatives to Colombian coffee for blends

Among many coffee professionals, Colombian coffee has a reputation for its flavour and body. It has a strong presence in the international coffee sector, and has been popular around the world for decades. We’ve been bringing high-quality Colombian coffees to our roaster partners for years through our in-country partner, Condor Specialty – a specialty coffee exporter based in Bogotá. We also...

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Dormans: Our work with the coffee exporter in Kenya Kenya is one of the top five coffee-producing countries in Africa by volume, and around 16th in the world. It boasts a balance of high altitudes, moderate temperatures, even rainfall, and rich volcanic soil, making...

Espirito Santo

Espirito Santo

Espírito Santo and the Bourbon Specialty Coffees Microlot Contest Espírito Santo is a small state located in southeastern Brazil, along the country’s eastern coast. Its proximity to the ocean means that it has a specific microclimate which influences coffee production...

Origin Coffee Lab, Peru

Origin Coffee Lab, Peru

Coffee has been grown in Peru since the 1700s, but the country really started to scale its coffee production at the start of the 20th century. In the years since, this growth has continued at a remarkable pace. By 2014, Peru was one of the top 20 producers in the...

Who is Camilo Merizalde?

Who is Camilo Merizalde?

Camilo Merizalde is an expert in coffee production. He has worked on projects in a number of producing countries which promote biodiversity and improve sustainability by sharing specialised production techniques. Camilo began with a test farm in Colombia in the 1990s,...

The Santuario Project

The Santuario Project

Camilo started Santuario some 22 years ago with the vision of improving quality and profitability while also leveraging biodiversity to create some truly amazing coffees. In 2012, Santuario went international. The farm in Colombia inspired the establishment of wet...

Ixhuatlan Centre and the Santuario Project

Ixhuatlan Centre and the Santuario Project

The two major projects that have been launched in Mexico under the Santuario Project were the Ixhuatlan Processing Centre in Veracruz, and a partnership with Guadalupe Zaju Farm in Chiapas. At Ixhuatlan Processing Centre, producers have access to wet and dry mills,...


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